April 2016 News

Student Essays: 
USA 2016 Election

I believe that the U.S. deserves a good President that represents our country’s high standards. It is important to remember these standards during (the particularly ridiculous) primary season we are currently in.  We need to nominate and elect the most qualified person for the job. Being President of the United States of America is a big responsibility.   

Many people count on him/her to make serious decisions.  He/she must be able to deal with international leaders, and give people confidence that as President he/she is informed when it comes to facts, names and history behind our policies both domestic and international.   
Americans want someone who is capable of making the right decisions in all matters. Americans are wise and good hearted, and this has allowed us to develop with respect and consideration. At some point, all Americans were immigrants with many dreams that we wished to achieve.  And what Americans need is a President who will represent the values which will allow us to continue to live in the U.S. safely, respectfully, and with honor. Americans – we are sensitive people; and I think we will make a sensible choice in the end. God Bless America.

Author: Victoria Abbaspour

Country: Ecuador

Tutor: Barbara Ekman


26– Multicultural Night and Literacy Awards

3-4 Great Give

4- Independence Day, closed
9- Neon Night Run– Downtown Milford

Tutor Training classes begin- Milford


Tutor Training classes begin- Stratford
Computer class begins- Milford

15- Philanthropy day

3- Ugly Sweater Run

English Classes
Monday, 6:30 pm- Conversation Class, LVSCT
Tuesday, 10:00 am- Advanced Class, LVSCT
Tuesday, 6:30 pm- Intermediate Class- child care, Meadowside School (Sept-June)
Wednesday, 12:30 pm- Intermediate Class, LVSCT
More information on one on one tutoring.

Computer Classes
Click for more info or call to sign up, 203-878-4800

 LVSCT’s Multicultural Celebration will be held on Tuesday, April 26.  It is a time for celebrating literacy volunteers during Volunteer Appreciation Month and to celebrate our student accomplishments.  Zoe Beck will read her student’s essay by Lester Mitchell, My Life and Sonom Sherpa will read My Adventures in Napal.  Guests will bring native pot luck dishes.

Several awards will be handed out. 
Thank you to the Junior Woman’s Club of Milford for sponsoring the event.

Volunteer Award    
Barbara Rose and Leslie Donnelly

15 Years- Flo Berrien and John Scalici
10 Years- David Gregory, Judy Darak, Gail Haas
5 Years-   Marcus Sopher, Jack Gleason,
Ann Loesch, Martha Salmon

Student’s Accomplishments

Citizenship- Eamheong Chay

Dean’s List- Alla Bytsiuk

            Enrolled in  College- Mohammed    nbsp;  
Got a job- Victoria Abbaspour    
Congratulations to all!



Congratulations Betty Gerner!

The United Way of Milford will be holding its annual Community Builders Recognition Dinner on Wednesday, April 27, at Costa Azzurra Restaurant in Milford from 5:30-7:30 p.m. At the Dinner, the United Way will honor those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service within the Milford community, as well as organizations and individuals who have contributed to the success of the 2015-16 Campaign. 

This year’s “Stars of Milford” honorees are:
Rick George (Lifetime Achievement Award), Scott Moulton (Spirit of Milford Award), Thomas Isaac (Meeting Critical Needs Award), Betty Gerner (Strengthening Families Award), The Honorable Pam Staneski (Champion of Caring Award), Linda Ball (Distinguished Service Award), Diane Razzaia (Nurturing Children Award), and Sasha Somuah (Youth Leadership Award).

Join us as we celebrate literacy volunteer, Betty Gerner!  
Tickets are $35.00.  Call the Center to reserve your seat.  


Chip’s Family Restaurant in Orange held a Pancake fundraiser to benefit the Literacy Volunteers of Southern CT.  The Chatzopoulos family immigrated to the United States from Greece in 1987 and worked in the restaurant business for many years.  Friends gathered for dinner with raffles on a chilly Tuesday night.

Thank you Chip’s! 


Show your love for LITERACY on May 3-4!

The more you give, the more we’ll get.

Mark your calendars now to join us online in three weeks for The Great Give® 2016 – the seventh major community-wide giving event to benefit nonprofits serving the Greater New Haven region. Over a 36-hour period, $190,000 will be distributed in matching funds and prizes to the nonprofits that raise the most money, attract the most number of donors and the most number of new donors…and more!

There are over 400 nonprofits from which to choose this year Visit thegreatgive.org for details.

Ways to Support the Literacy Volunteers of Southern Connecticut.  

LVSCT | Email | Website

The Literacy Center- Main Office

Fannie Beach Community Center
16 Dixon Street
Milford, CT 06460
Ph: 203-878-4800
Fax: 203-878-1080

Satellite Office Hours at Milford Library (Monday 10:00 – 11:30)  
and Stratford Library (Wednesday 10:00 11:30).