Our Student Stories
I’m from Guatemala. In Guatemala I spoke two languages. In my village we speak a Mayan language. I learned Spanish in school. In my village many people are farmers. They grow corn, carrots, tomatoes, beans, onions, potatoes, pineapples, peppers, peaches, and coffee beans. Some people raise animals. They have chickens, cows, dogs, sheep, pigs, turkeys, horses, and ducks. My three brothers are teachers. In Guatemala they wash clothes by hand. They cook on a wood burning stove or over a fire. They make tortillas by hand. Many people sew clothes on a machine. Some people sew clothes by hand. The children like to play soccer. In April, May, and June, it’s hot. Most people walk or take the bus. It’s a one hour bus ride to the city from my village. The roads are very bumpy. Now I live in Connecticut and I’m learning English.
Student: Magdalena Simon Country: Guatemala Teacher: Tracy Gleason
Thank you for attending the Ball
Friday night was an awesome night for acknowledging how great it was having so many attend our first Masquerade Ball event and support the mission of the Literacy Center of Milford.
The Center has come a long way since our first director in 1994. Twenty years later we are experiencing both a banner year and new era for the Center on so many levels, including extending our tutoring services to include West Haven and Stratford this year.
We have also launched a new logo, web site makeover, and expanded our services to include computer literacy and an after school reading program at West shore Middle School.
Thank you to our sponsors- The Milford Bank, Cohen and Wolf, Bic Corporation, Junior Woman’s Club of Milford, Village Vogue, Briarpatch Enterprises, Bridge House Restaurant, Fischer and Fischer Law Firm, Mager and Mager Law Firm, CA McInnis and Associates, Ct Property Appraisers and Shop Rite of Milford. Donors, sponsors and volunteers have made this non profit’s dreams come true! Your continued support continues to define the Literacy Center as the place of growth, learning, and love for so many in need of basic literacy in our community. Here’s to another 20 years!
MASQUERADE BALL Thank you to Steve Cooper for taking pictures Friday night. Click to see more of the Masquerade Ball and find us on facebook!
October 31- Halloween
November 4- Computer Class begins, Open to all 15- Tutor Link Workshop at Harborside Middle School 27- Thanksgiving, closed
December 2- Barnes and Noble Day Book Fair, “Frozen” 1-31 – Barnes and Noble Book Drive for the LCoM 24 – Jan 2- Winter Break, Closed
The Literacy Center of Milford and local area literacy centers are hosting a TUTOR LINK workshop for tutors on November 15 at Harborside Middle School. Click here for more information.
Help Local Youngsters Go to the Head of the Class!
The Literacy Center of Milford is currently looking for volunteers to participate in the Center’s “SUPERSTAR” child-focused literacy initiative: the SUPERSTAR Reader After-school program. If you’re motivated, ready to read aloud and open up the imagination of a child whose reading skills need strengthening, please consider this rewarding opportunity.
“The Center can supply the books, reading-involved games, and activities, as well as a safe and fun place in which to read for a child who requires extra coaching — either individually or together with family members,” says Tami Jackson, the Center’s executive director. “All we need are enthusiastic volunteers with gusto to read and willing to devote their energy and time for several hours a week in taking kids to their next literacy step.” Specifically, the SUPERSTAR Reader After-school Program focuses on the individual middle school-age student who struggles with reading, and requires additional instruction. After-school “reading time” will be from 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at West Shore Middle School.
All prospective volunteer tutors will be interviewed by the Center’s staff. No prior experience is required for this role. Also, staffers will be available at all times to assist volunteers for both programs.
Computer Class begins on November 4.
Our modern world is rooted in the computer so you need the skills. The Literacy Center of Milford is turning on its computer just for you and offering a hands-on computer class and workshop designed for individuals to learn basic computer skills and become comfortable with using computers for personal use. Our program also may increase your chances of getting a job. Participants will learn how to search the web, open and manage an email account, read and send emails, search for documents, and attach documents to emails. It also will help you ‘join the conversation’ by engaging in social media. Classes will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 18, 25, December 2. Call the Center to save your seat! 203-878-4800 Read on…