‘Readies Itself for Launch of Expanded Computing Curriculum & Dynamic New Programs’
MILFORD, CT, Feb. 24, 2014 — The Literacy Center of Milford has good cause to celebrate. This year, the community-minded Center marks its 20-year anniversary of enriching the lives of thousands of Milford-area residents from other countries who have passed through its welcoming doors in quest of basic literacy skills since its founding in 1994.
Adding to the celebratory spirit of this anniversary year, the Center also adopts a new logo designed to reflect the organization’s evolution and growth. It also plans a yearlong rollout of dynamic new educational programs and activities (which started in December), as well as a full-scale marketing effort to reflect its new direction. Read more…
Welcome our NEW tutors!
Tutor trainer, Betty Gerner led the winter tutor training session. New tutors attended 5 classes and are currently working with new students. The next tutor training class will be held in September. Back Row: L to R: Alfred Chock , Bob Herrick, Kathy McGuire Middle Row: L to R: Betty Gerner, Joan Surdukowski, Susan Rosenberg, Claudette Wilson,Colleen Reilly Rees, Laurie Haker Front Row: L to R : Roberta Monte, Zoe Beck, Hedwige Kuepper
West Shore Middle School Family Literacy Night
Last week some volunteers from the Literacy Center visited West Shore Middle School to support a family reading night. Families from the school attended on Tuesday. After dinner was served, families rotated through “stations” of fun literacy activities. It was well attended and a successful evening.
On left, a family creates a marshmallow catapult at the Reading to Perform a Task station. Literacy volunteers Deb Cohelo and Debi Morse cordinates this activity.
Read Across America Day is Monday, March 3, 2014
 Get ready to grab your hat and read with the Cat in the Hat on Monday, March 3, 2014 for Read Across America Day. The Seussical celebration will kick off a week of reading across the nation as NEA members gather students, parents, and community members together to share their love of reading.
What will you be reading?
Thank you to the Milford Public Schools for allowing the Literacy Center to participate in “Leap for Literacy Day”. Wear GREEN
on Friday, March 14 and donate $1.00. All proceeds will benefit literacy based programs at the Literacy Center.
Join tutor trainer, Betty Gerner as she lakes the LEAP for LITERACY on Sunday, March 16. She along with many more will leap into Long Island Sound. Please join us for the after party at Stobebridge Restaurant. Trophies will be awarded in many categories…
Best Costume Most Enthusiastic Group Theme Best Looking Leprechaun Leaper King- raised most money Leaper Queen- raised most money Largest Group of Leapers Highest Group Pledges Bravest Jr. Leaper Favorite Literacy Leaper First in Water First out of Water Best Tailgate Party “Too Chicken” to Leap Most Supportive Leaper Civic Leapers Honorable Leaper
For sponsorship, pledge forms and more info, click here.
Literacy Center of Milford | 16 Dixon St, Milford, CT 06460 | (203) 878-4800 |