Student Stories
How I See Milford
I moved to Milford less than a year ago from Budapest, Hungary. After the busy, always crowded city, Milford seems a very quiet town. At the first time I felt very strange and uncomfortable here. It took time for me to get used to this environment. I met some new, very interesting people from all around the word and with some of them I became friends. It is so amazing how many nationalities live in this, not too big town. Everyone brings her/ his own culture. Some of them are unusual, but very interesting and this cultural mixture makes this place special for me. I live near Walnut Beach. This is a very beautiful place. After a long working day it is so pleasant to take a walk along the bay on the boardwalk, smell the ocean, enjoy the endless water and watch the sunsets – it touches my heart. Sometimes during my walk I have seen unique animals and pretty birds. Read more…
Babies Practice Speech
Babies try to mentally work out the mechanics of speech long before they say their first word, University of Washington researchers have discovered. Even when they are only 7 months old, babies are mentally working out the mechanics of how to form words with their mouths — well before they’re able to utter their first recognizable syllable. The latest discovery from the University of Washington’s Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences (I-LABS) underscores the importance of speaking to babies from the moment they are born, even though, in those early months, it may not look like it’s having much effect, said Patricia Kuhl, co-director of I-LABS. Kuhl has spent her career deciphering language development in babies, but the latest discovery was a surprise even to her. Her findings were published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Read more…
So many ways to support literacy!
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The First Masquerade Ball!
This year, The Literacy Center of Milford has good cause to celebrate! 2014 marks our 20th year of enriching the lives of so many residents and their children in need of our vital literacy programs and services in the Greater Milford Area and, beginning this fall, will include West Haven and Stratford.
Our Center has come a long way since our non-profit, community-based literacy agency was formed in 1994. Twenty years later, we are experiencing both a banner year and a new era for the Center on so many levels. Under the leadership of our newly installed president, Martin O’Neill, we’ve launched a new logo and website makeover ( in our efforts to reach out for greater community support. We’ve also expanded our basic reading, writing, and math curriculum to include computer education so that our incoming students can acquire a full scope of skill sets that will position them for success in a complex and competitive world. For our community’s children requiring added instruction, we’ve launched our successful SUPERSTAR programs in collaboration with the West Shore Middle School with a focus on child-parent ‘togetherness learning.’ Read more…
LITERACY AWARDS The Literacy Center of Milford is holding a student and tutor recognition night. Literacy Awards: Student Essays and a Celebration of Anniversaries and Accomplishments will be on Thursday, September 25 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall, River Street. English as a second language students will have an opportunity to read their stories. For some it will be the first time reading English in public. The Junior Woman’s Club of Milford hosts the event. Read on…
VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME AS AN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TUTOR IN MILFORD and WEST HAVEN The Literacy Center of Milford Offers English Language Tutor Training to Help Local Adults.

Join us! A wonderful opportunity for you can make a difference in someone else’s life! Read more.
THINKING ABOUT BECOMING A STUDENT If you need help with reading and writing, or speaking English, or using basic math or using a computer, the Literacy Center of Milford is here to help you! Like you, our students come from all of walks of life. Some of our students have learning disabilities and struggle with reading and writing. Some of our students didn’t finish high school and want to get a GED degree. Some of our students recently moved to the United States and do not speak English. These immigrants want to learn the language and get a job and integrate into American culture. They also want to help their children in school. Read more.
Our modern world is rooted in the computer so you need the skills. The Literacy Center of Milford is turning on its computer just for you and offering a hands-on computer class and workshop designed for individuals to learn basic computer skills and become comfortable with using computers for personal use. Our program also may increase your chances of getting a job. Participants will learn how to search the web, open and manage an email account, read and send emails, search for documents, and attach documents to emails. It also will help you ‘join the conversation’ by engaging in social media. Participants will also learn how to use Microsoft Word to write documents. All tutors and students (past and present) are invited.
Read more.